common teratogens
Teratogens | Define Teratogens at.
Common Teratogens in Pregnancy - Baby in.
common teratogens
Commonwealth Common Rail EinspritzungCommon Teratogens in Pregnancy - Baby in.
Teratogens are substances that can cause harm in a developing fetus resulting in birth defects or fetal death. Teratogens affect growth and development of the baby.
Detailed information on teratogens and non-teratogenic agents Teratogens What is a teratogen? A teratogen is an agent, which can cause a birth defect.
Several different teratogens are overviewed. 1. DILANTIN-- Fetal Hydantoin Syndrome, caused by prenatal exposure to the anticonvulsant drug phenytoin (Dilantin).
common teratogens
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Teratogens What is a teratogen? A teratogen is an agent, which can cause a birth defect. It is usually something in the environment that the mother may be exposed to
Common Teratogens - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Powerpoint Presentation (.ppt / .pptx), Text File (.txt) or view presentation slides online.
noun Biology . a drug or other substance capable of interfering with the development of a fetus, causing birth defects. Origin: 1900–05; terato- + -gen Related